In 2010, the printer/pressman was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and as a result, died in October 2011. His family sued the defendants for negligence and strict liability for their failure to warn about the dangers of benzene as well as fraudulent concealment. In 2013, the defendants settled for around $165,000.
Printing Industry Exposures
Those working in the printing industry are exposed to a wide range of chemicals through paints, filling fountains, solvents, and varnishes. Benzene absorption occurs through the skin, ingestion, or inhalation. It is estimated that there are up to 300 different organic compounds in the air of a printing environment. In addition, work conditions such as poor ventilation and high temperatures can retain harmful fumes.
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Printing Industry Illnesses
Employees who worked in the printing industry may be at an elevated risk of developing benzene related illnesses, including Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Myelodysplastic Syndrome. In 1980, there were about 178,000 print pressing operators in the United States. During that era, work environments had less safety regulations and printers were likely exposed to benzene.
Multiple Myeloma Diagnosis Coming Years After The Printer’s Exposures
In this case, the decedent last worked in the printing industry in 1991 and he was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma in 2010 (19 years later). There can be a long latency period for benzene-related illnesses. A latency period is the time between the toxic exposure and the resulting illness.
If you or a loved one worked as a printer and have been diagnosed with a benzene related illness, you may have a claim. Call Benzene Lawyers at 1-800-BENZENE to learn more today.
Hughes Law Offices is providing this case history to inform visitors about actual case fact patterns, settlements, verdicts, and rulings. Unless specifically noted, the cases summarized herein were not handled by attorneys at Hughes Law Offices. If you believe that you have a case similar to this one, feel free to call 1-800-BENZENE and speak with an attorney today.